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Elisabeth Jaeger

Director of Sri Sri Ayurveda Cookery Programs, and an Art of Happiness Teacher, Elisabeth is a true Parisian who spent most of her life in the South West of France where she became a master craftsman specialized in Shaker

Elisabeth met Art of Living in 1989 and has been an Art of Happiness Teacher since 1993. For 10 years she was
treasurer for Art of Living France. In 2000, she transitioned careers and came to Canada to train in Ayurveda. She rapidly developed a love for the subject; it was natural for her to specialize in the important aspect of food for health given her French love of healthy, tasty foods.

Elisabeth was certified by the Sri Sri Ayurveda Institute in 2003 as an ayurvedic technician and a teacher. She travels
around the world to share the beautiful knowledge of Ayurveda.