Shreya Shah
Shreya is a Senior Teacher with the AOLF in Canada. She has been a Full time teacher with the Foundation for the past 14 years, and has been practicing for 20 years. Shreya has developed the Foundation in the Prairies region, where there is now a strong presence, She also heads the Youth Programs and […]
Swamiji is a senior meditation teacher of the Art of Living Foundation. This is a very special opportunity to do the course with him.
Samer Tamaz
Samer has been an active volunteer ever since he encountered the Art of Living Foundation in 2004 while residing in Montreal. From 2015 till 2021, he got fully involved in Educational, Healthcare & Humanitarian projects geared by the Art of Living and its sister's organization (International Association for Human Values) implemented in Iraq, Lebanon and […]
Dinesh Kashikar
Dinesh Kashikar has over 15 years of training aspiring yoga teachers and has been a full time volunteer with the Art of Living Foundation since 1995. Kashi is a graduate of prestigious Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), E-RYT500 and member of steering committee for yoga of the Quality Council of India. Kashi delivers a rich […]
Puja Goswami
Puja is from Edmonton, Alberta where she has been practicing immigration law as a certified immigration consultant for the past 15 years. She owns a very successful business but her true passion lies in practicing and learning about healthy living through cooking with organic foods and living within the teachings of Ayurveda. She is not […]